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Application Development & Modernization

Refining current applications and developing new ones is critical in today's market.  Modern applications let your customers and employees reap the benefits of cloud - and improved speed, scale, and performance - with the features and functionality users expect.

Nuvolant leverages the latest application innovations and trends to work with you to solve your critical business challenges.  Integrate and modernize your new and legacy applications into flexible, agile architectures that improve performance and increase ROI.

Our Services

Application Portfolio Strategy

We will help you assess and reconstruct your application portfolio in order to develop a roadmap towards operations automation, technology modernization, and business transformation.

Application Transformation

We will help you assess your application stack and code to determine the best value approach for modernization, accelerated through the use of our IP & Automation.


Whether you want to refactor, re-host, or re-platform your application to achieve modern, extensible architectures that can support high throughput operations, Nuvolant can help with our packaged solutions 


Calculating Technical Debt

CIOs estimate that technical debt can account for 20 – 40% of the value of your entire technology estate.

We share our expertise on managing technical debt and give you 8 steps to help you calculate your technical debt.

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